Usually when I read Vogue, the first thing I head for is the section that tells you what the latest trends and styles are through a visual gallery boasting a kaleidoscopic array of colors. I think much less about any recipes it recommends, mainly because I'd much prefer to go to an online recipe site or foodie magazine. However, I do think it's important to read openly, especially since you might be in for a delightful treat. In this case, Miss Vogue's Warm Blueberry Cake (or lil' pudding) was definitely a scrumptiously sweet surprise (alliteration for literature geeks). Of course blueberries go well in anything in my opinion, especially in cakes. For this recipe however, it acted as a sort of syrup (think sticky toffee pudding except made with water, sugar and blueberries). The amount of water it asked for was considerably higher than the value allocated to the cream and self-raising flour. Having baked quite a bit myself before, I was slightly skeptical at these numbers. Nevertheless, Miss. Vogue definitely proved me wrong; my worries about the recipe failing quickly evaporated as soon as my eyes were met with the golden scented heart that stood in front of me as the oven door was opened.
A light and somewhat healthy dessert option for those that are wary of their weight - that's how I'd summarize it.
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